Comparing Video Encoders
Mar 15, 2025
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Comparing video encoders involves using synthetic metrics to assess visual quality. Tools like "metrics" from the Psychovisual Experts Group can be used to help generate data that can be plotted. Plotting encoder performance in different ways helps determine the best encoder for your implementation needs, considering quality & speed.


Comparing video encoders isn't hard; in fact, it is usually quite easy. However, it is very often done incorrectly.

That's a bit of an oversimplification. Comparing video encoders extremely well is rather difficult, and it is the focus of a lot of impactful research that aims to produce metrics that can properly assess how good a video looks to our eyes. The human eye is very complex, and guiding compression algorithms to care about the human visual system can get very interesting (I wrote a bit about perceptual color encoding in JPEG with the XYB colorspace used in JPEG XL, it can be very cool stuff).

This article is more about what we can do now with the tools that we have, regardless of the metric we're interested in. Many people, including the SVT-AV1 team, make use of PSNR, SSIM, and VMAF, but today we're going to be (mainly) focusing on XPSNR, a perceptual metric by Fraunhofer HHI that is readily available in FFmpeg 7.1.

Now that we have established the problem space, we can talk about:


A helpful toolbox of various scripts is provided by the metrics utility by the Psychovisual Experts Group. You can find the code via this GitHub link.

This tool lets us compute some image-focused metrics that we will use for video, and Weighted XPSNR, a video metric based on XPSNR that includes chroma information (officially, XPSNR is recommended to be luma-only).


There are three "tiers" of comparisons, each involving a bit more data than the last:

We'll start with simple two-video comparisons.

Comparing Two Videos

XPSNR is what we call a full-reference distortion metric, which means we compare a distorted video to its source to get a score. Since we're encoding a source video with a video encoder, we can compare the source and the encode with

./ [source] [encode]

You can also use to encode the video for you. Either one will give us various statistics for the metrics we have available to us. Given we used the GPU for computation of SSIMULACRA2/Butteraugli (more on that in a second), you'll get something like this output:

     SSIMULACRA2 scores for every 1 frame:
     Average:       75.22395
     Harmonic Mean: 75.08624
     Std Deviation: 3.19206
     10th Pctile:   70.52215
     Butteraugli scores for every 1 frame:
     Distance:      0.80522
     Max Distance:  0.97927
     XPSNR scores:
     XPSNR Y:       34.80490
     XPSNR U:       38.48910
     XPSNR V:       37.42110
     W-XPSNR:       35.61793

You'll notice that this is a lot more than just a single data point. We're just supposed to compare two videos and get a number for how the encode looks, right? Ideally, yes, but with the imperfect tools we have, we must do the best we can.


So, lots of ways to try to make an image fidelity metric useful for video.


The way we use Butteraugli in metrics, we use 3pnorm, which weighs and averages certain parts of the frame, leaning toward more noticeable differences. So for our use case:

And finally, Weighted XPSNR, or W-XPSNR. This is kind of simple:

So, Weighted XPSNR is just a weighted average for luma and chroma scores that aims to fairly favor luma since that is what our eyes care most about.

Comparing Compression Efficiency

Now we have scores for one video. But, what size is it? How does it compare to another video from another encoder that's a slightly different size with slightly different scores? You can interpret this subjectively, like saying your 1.74MB video at XPSNR 34.03 from Encoder A feels like a better option than a 1.81MB video that scores 34.21 from Encoder B, but how can we know for sure?

The best way we can do this is by looking at a curve that plots size-to-score for a series of clips, which is meant to allow us to see which encoder (or configuration) achieves the best compression efficiency.

Here's a plot comparing various SVT-AV1 speed settings:

SVT-AV1 Speed Plot

You can see that despite the fact that Preset 4 & Preset 2 produce smaller files at each CRF level, they are not the most efficient presets, because Preset 0 displays the best compression efficiency according to the curve. Each one of these curves came from an invocation of that provided us with the data we wanted.

Here's an example of how to use

     ./ \
     -i source.mkv \
     -q "20 21 24 26 30" \
     -o ./stats.csv \
     -g 4 \
     svtav1 -- --preset 8 --tune 2

This encodes source.mkv at 5 CRF values, then outputs the results to stats.csv which include metrics and encode time. We use 4 GPU threads, and we pass a couple of options to SVT-AV1.

We picked our 5 CRF values by choosing our bounds and the number of values we want, according to a formula (in Python):

min_q + (max_q - min_q) * ((step / (q_steps - 1)) ** 1.5) for step in range(q_steps)

Rounding our results to integers (necessary with current SVT-AV1) gave us 5 CRF values between 20 and 30, according to my input. We use this formula to focus more of our data points on higher fidelity encodes, where the difference in filesize may be larger for smaller differences in fidelity. This is more helpful when working with much higher fidelity than we care about here, but it is a good thing to remember, because we want a curve with less data points to look more like one with a greater number of data points.

Now, we can compare encoders by generating multiple curves. We have the data, and we can use with our data inputs for a simple plot.

For a hobbyist use case, this may be a fine place to stop. If it encodes in reasonable time, and it is closer to the upper left on the curve, it may satisfy you to use the more compression efficient encoder. But, what about at production scale, where you care more about time?

Comparing Overall Efficiency

Before moving on, consider what we need for this graph:

That final encoder curve describes an encoder's overall efficiency according to a given metric. Now, let's explore how to gather each value.

BD-Rate (Bjontegaard Delta Rate) is a way to compare the efficiency of two curves. It answers the question: "For the same quality level, how much more or less data does method B need compared to method A?"

If you stopped at the end of the previous section and ran, you'd notice that it provides BD-Rate numbers for each stats file you provided it, relative to the first stats file. So, if the BD-Rate is -20% between A & B, it means the second method needs 20% less data to achieve the same quality as the first method, which is a good improvement. writes these BD-Rate values to a CSV, along with the average time computed across the encodes in each stats file.

Now, your next invocation (for the next stats files belonging to the next encoder) needs to use the previous worst stats file as the first argument in order to compute BD-Rates relative to the encoder you're now comparing against. You'll get another CSV output.

Here's an example result, comparing SVT-AV1 v3.0.0 to SVT-AV1-PSY v2.3.0-B:

SVT-AV1 BD-Rate Plot

BD-Rates computed relative to SVT-AV1-PSY v2.3.0-B's Preset 10, which is why that data point has a BD-Rate of 0%.

You can see that SVT-AV1 v3.0.0 is able to produce smaller BD-Rates relative to v2.3.0-B in less time, so it would be considered the more efficient encoder, according to W-XPSNR. Again, even though Preset 10 in SVT-AV1 v3.0.0 has a worse BD-Rate than Preset 10 in SVT-AV1-PSY v2.3.0-B, the time difference means that along the curve SVT-AV1 v3.0.0 is more efficient overall.


That's all for now. I hope you found this blog post helpful in understanding how to compare encoders, because it is a crucial part of encoder development and can help you make an informed decision about which encoder to use for your specific needs. Happy encoding!

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